Objectives and Steps

Overview & Purpose

In this release there is a new functionality where YLogLite App users while making a trip can select “Co driver”.
After Device Authentication and co-driver selection,one can see the route for the trip,can see stops in between the trip,can see the current trip as well as for a specific date.
YLogLite App allows users to get their day to day trip schedules, update status of trips while starting,see stops in between, see current position and automated driving status updates.
In this way, the Administrator of a company at the back office can keep track of all its assets in real time.

Co Drivers

   •  Download the YLoglite App from App store on the Device(iOS)
   •  Using the web portal ,create a user with role type as driver.Also create one Vehicle.

Creation of User with Role Type as Driver
Creation of Vehicle
   •  To test the Co Driver functionality we need to have at least two drivers.
   •  After Device Authentication,login with any one of the drivers who will be tagged as “Main Driver” and other one/two will be considered as codriver/s.
   •  Select the created Vehicle No#/Asset Code# on the iOS device.

   •  Selection of Co-Driver is completely optional.At max,one can choose any two co-drivers available in the populated list and a minimum of one co-driver selection is mandatory to check the functionality.
Select Vehicle
Select Co-driver
   •  Driver is navigated to the DOT Logs Screen.

Dot Logs Screen
   •  App data is synced with a web portal within the time interval specified by administrator.
Web Portal:Driver and Co Drivers Logs

Automated driving status updates

   •  Driver’s can change their State via the “Driver State Change” window manually.
   •  Available Status are Off Duty,On Duty,Sleeper Berth,Driving
   •  At a time only one driver can be set manually to Driving or Sleeping Berth.

   •  Available Status are Off Duty,On Duty,Sleeper Berth,Driving

Manual State Change Pop up for Drivers
Available Status in drop-down
   •  At a time only one driver can be set manually to Driving while the other drivers can be manually set to Off Duty,On Duty,Sleeper Berth.However only one driver can be in Sleeper Berth.

App data is synced with Web Portal

Driver Log Data
GPS Trails of all the Drivers
Dot Logs of all three drivers in Device